Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.
+ Top of the funnel
Onboarding from 70 Days to 1 Day

Onboarding from 70 Days to 1 Day
Oh My growth took a B2B onboarding of 14 weeks to one day. Saving Sales and Marketing resources of 13 weeks of calling back and forth, informing the potential client of content that is already written and available in personalized email distribution.
300%+ Top of the funnel
“Hi {First-Name}, How nice that you are in the same field as I am. I am trying to connect with like-minded people.”The word is out, not original anymore. Does it still work?
+ Top of the funnel

30%+ CTR PMF
Product-market fit. Who is your ideal customer? This is a question to ask to all of your clients. While every entrepreneur has a vision of whom they are marketing. Your mission and vision are not always aligned. How you see the world is not always how the world sees you.
Vanity Metrics alert & Brandawareness – CMF
What is the content market fit? This is just a new marketing acronym I made. Why did I make it because the market asked for it. Content market fit comes after product-market fit. Once you know there is a market for your product this is created. You know people are buying congratulations you are going to make money.

Fintech Trust Crypto
FinTech companies have been popping up everywhere. With the rise of crypto coins and normalization of blockchain, there is a new buzzword in town. The thing is all new things that are a huge hype, are not always trusted. How do you build trust with your potential clients? When it sounds too good to be true. Decentralized money?! For this company the first question was. What is the goal? Their answer: increasing blog views.
It’s very important to not only know what your Key performance metrics are but also why you would want that number to go up.